Jeonju city council investigates administration of Jeonju-si every year for within 7 days period during the second regular session. Council performs inspection whenever necessary for certain matters to strengthen the clarity of administration. In order to perform inspection on certain matter among administration of Jeonju-si, joint signature of more than 1/3 of council members must be made first.
Investigation and inspection can check the field, ask for related documents, and ask mayor and related public officials to attend as witness. If anyone, who make false statement during witnessing in investigation and inspection, can be prosecuted. If witness who was asked to appear does not attend without justifiable reason, or denies testifying, less than 5 million won will be fined to witness.
Procedure for investigation of Administration
- Decide period and time
Make investigation of Administration plan
- Suggest approval of subject of inspection by main session (each standing committee)
Approval of subject of inspection by main session
- Make investigation plan
- Appoint assistant for job
- Send the plan with report documents
Implement investigation (by each standing committee)
- Announce the beginning
- organ head greeting and present executives
- report, question and answer
- review the result and announce the closing
Implement investigation (by each standing committee)
The result handling procedure
Make and submit report about the
(To chairman by each standing committee) Contents of repor- Purpose
- assignment organ
- subject organ
- proceedings contents
- result and opinion
- other opinion and notes
- main based document
Handling result in main session
(Accept request and claims) -
Send the result and claims
(To the city and concerned organ) -
Report the result
(To council by city and concerned organ) - Report all result of handling matters to the committee
Make and submit report about the
Procedure for inspection of Administration
Motion (Request of more than 1/3 of council member)
- The main session votes about it (pass)
Decide committee for inspection (main session)
- Compose concerned standing committee or special committee (Vote in main session by chairman’s suggestion)
- Make plan(by committee)
Approve the plan (by main session)
- Notice to local head about the plan
- Appoint assistant for committee
- request business trip and permit
- Appoint assistant and prepare business trip
- Report/submit document, request witnessㆍtestifier attending, send report about field confirmation (To chairman before 3 days)
Motion (Request of more than 1/3 of council member)
Implement inspection
- 1. Announce opening
- 2. Committee chairman greeting
- 3. Decide schedule
- 4. Oath of organ head and concerned testifiers
- 5. organ head greeting and present executives
- 6. Report
- 7. Question/Answer (interrogation), Interrogation testifiers/hearing opinions, inspect field
- 8. chairman greeting and announce closing
Implement inspection
The result handling procedure
Make report for result/submit
(to chairman)- Send to the local head
- Request correct and handlingㆍSend other opinion
Report the result
- the local head → Report to the council
Send result of local head to committee
- In case the standing committee did it
Make report for result/submit